
Fort Lauderdale Fun

Dear wearied traveler, you look like you need a vacation. Have you considered the sun and fun of Fort Lauderdale, Florida? Beginning November 5, AirTran Airways will serve Fort Lauderdale nonstop from Harrisburg International Airport (HIA)!

You can fancy yourself a boater, beach comber, sailor, golfer, shopper, swimmer, and more while on vacation in Fort Lauderdale (FLL). This dynamic city offers beaches, hotels, restaurants, attractions, events, and much more. Sign-up to receive a free visitor's guide.

To put you in the beach-trip planning mode, why not add some of the following "summery" tunes to your MP3 playlist? Recommendations, courtesy of the Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors' Bureau.
  • The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun
  • Sheryl Crow - Soak Up the Sun
  • Katrina & The Waves - Walking on Sunshine
  • Stevie Wonder - You are the Sunshine of My life
  • The Eagles - Tequila Sunrise
  • The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon
  • Smashmouth - Walking on the Sun
  • Beach Boys - Keepin' the Summer Alive
  • Celine Dion - Sunshine in the Heart
  • George Michael - Ray of Sunshine
  • Don Henley - Boys of Summer
  • ZZ Top - Cheap Sunglasses
E-mail us for a free parking offer from HIA, good for the FLL flights on AirTran departing during the month of November 2009! So, why wait? Book your trip today and escape the cold weather months with a warm weather trip to the beaches of Fort Lauderdale!


What is MDT?

When you book a flight to or from HIA, you will notice that our Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) booking code is MDT. That stands for Middletown, PA – where HIA is physically located. But that’s not the whole story: MDT also stands for the Money, Distance, and Time you could save by flying out of HIA.

Everyone knows that HIA is convenient. But thanks to offerings like AirTran Airways’ daily low fares and nonstop flights to Orlando and Atlanta, fares to most destinations are as affordable as ever. In fact, the average airfare from MDT in 2009 is down by 15%!

Learn more about how you can save Money, Distance & Time. And enter to win the MDT Giveaway! If you win the giveaway, what destination will you fly to? Do you have an MDT savings experience to share?


Internetiquette for Inflight WiFi Users

Now that AirTran Airways is the first major airline to have WiFi available on their entired aircraft fleet, they have authored an Internetiquette manual for inflight wireless network usage. Tips range from discouraging the use of the lavatory as your personal conference room (tip #134) to encouraging you to meet your row mates (tip #127) for the purpose of being friendly, not so that you can search for them online!

What tips are missing? Do you have any thoughtful suggestions?

AirTran Airways serves Orlando (MCO) and Atlanta (ATL) from MDT with daily, nonstop service on 717 aircraft equipped with free WiFi!


Security Checkpoint 101

Departing travelers, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requests that you use the following tips for making your security checkpoint process as efficient and comfortable as possible.

Pack Smart
  • Pack your carry-on in organized layers

  • If you can put your oversized electronics in your checked baggage, please do so

  • Perpare you ONE quart-sized, clear, plastic zip-top bag of liquids before arriving at the airport

  • Coats and jackets are recommended to be packed in checked baggage

  • Do not wrap gifts

  • Undeveloped film should go in your carry-on bag, so that 800-speed or higher can be declared to a TSA officer for hand inspection

  • When it doubt, leave it out. Check it or leave it at home.

Dress the Part
The following items may set off the metal detector alarm.

  • Keys

  • Loose change

  • Mobile phones and pagers

  • Personal Data Assistants (PDAs)

  • Heavy jewelry

  • Clothing containing metal buttons, snaps or studs

  • Metal hair barrettes or other hair adornments

  • Belt buckles

  • Under-wire bra

  • Body piercings (which may cause you to require additional screening)
    *you may ask to privately remove the piercing to avoid a pat-down search

Head coverings and religious garmets may be worn during screening. If your head covering or clothing (religious or otherwise) is loose fitting/large enough to conceal prohibited items you may be directed to additional screening.

Shoes, need to be removed before you enter the walk-through metal detector.

Have the Following Ready

  • Boarding Pass

  • Acceptable for of ID
    *Click here to see the full list of acceptable forms of identification.

Hassle-Free Security Tips

  • Arrive on time

  • Wear slip-on shoes

  • Remove pets from their carrying cases
    *Hold them as you pass through the metal detector

  • Take children/infants out of their baby carriers/strollers
    *Take them through the metal detector with you

  • Think before you speak
The full reporting of this information is available on the TSA's web site. HIA recommends reading through the For Travelers content on the site before departing for the airport. Knowledge is power, so "know before you go"!