
On the Road Again...

On Tuesday, October 28, we have a meeting in Atlanta with the Delta Air Lines route planning and scheduling department to discuss Delta’s service from Harrisburg to Atlanta, Cincinnati and beyond. In addition, with the impending merger with Northwest, we’ll be discussing what a combined Delta and Northwest operation at Harrisburg may look like within the next 12-18 months.

While Atlanta is currently the number 3 overall destination for HIA travelers, we know that many of you regularly fly to and from Atlanta from BWI due to much lower prices and larger, more comfortable aircraft. We need you to complete a travel data survey as best as you can so that we can show Delta officials exactly how much Atlanta traffic and revenue they could earn at Harrisburg rather than at BWI or PHL. (This same info will also be given to AirTran Airways in efforts to have them to consider ATL service).

We need your help & travel data! Please complete this survey online at http://www.flyhia.com/home/network/travel_log by October 23rd. Thank you!


  1. Hopefully the meeting goes well. Were down to 4 flights to ATL on CRJ's. If they don't act, maybe FL can move in. Interested to see what the DL/NW combo looks like.

  2. Stay tuned, we'll have an update on the meeting with DL early next week! Thanks!
