
Quick Advertising Viewing & Reponse Habits Poll! Feedback Needed!

HIA is investigating ways to cost-effectively reach our target audiences this upcoming year. Therefore, we're curious about your advertisement viewing & response habits:

1) Do you pay attention to advertisements in the print publications that you read?
Y or N

2) How likely are you to take action based on the content in those print advertisements?
N/A, Not Likely, Somewhat Likely, Very Likely

3) Do you click-thru on online adverts to learn more if the content is relevant to you?
Y or N

4) How often would you estimate that you pay attention to online advertisements?
(open ended answer)

5) What would cause you to notice an online advertisement?
a) a brand that I normally buy
b) flash animation
c) brightly colored
d) "incentivized" call-to-action
e) other (please specify)

6) Are you more likely to pay attention to print or online advertising? Why?
(open ended answer)

7) Would you book a flight based on the content of an online advertisement?
Y or N

8) Would you book a flight based on the content of a print advertisement?
Y or N

Thank you for your participation! Your feedback is tremendously helpful!
Results will be posted on Monday 12/8/08.

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