
Traveling with the Flu...

...While this isn't necessarily a good idea, if you absolutely have to travel while ill, please make use of these CDC tips to facilitate keeping your germs your's and not your traveling neighbor's!

First, if you have to sneeze of cough, cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or use the crook of your elbow in order to contain the cough or sneeze. Second, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible.

If you don't have a tissue handy or forget to cover your mouth or you've touched your eyes, nose or mouth; be sure to wash your hands, as soon as your able, with soap and water. Don't forget to wash the backs of your hands as well! Hand sanitizer while great for killing germs doesn't remove residue or dirt from your hands.

If you can avoid traveling while sick, it might be a better idea to stay home, rest up and recuperate!

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